Sharpo's Pencils Through The Arm Magic!
Where is the point in all of this? On the pencil of course.
Please don't try this at home. This little piece of gruesome magic is a demonstration that the mind is stronger than the body. It shows that with powerful concentration the trained magician can vibrate at such a high frequency that solid objects - like six very sharp pencils - can pass right through his arm without causing any harm...and if you believe that I have a bridge I would like to sell you in Brooklyn.
This routine incorporates a basic three act plot of magic. The pledge...I show you an ordinary plastic pvc piping tube, some pencils and my ordinary human arm. The turn, where I proceed to do something rather extraordinary. In this case, stabbing myself through the arm with six pencils. This is akin to tearing a newspaper or dollar bill only a little more dramatic. Then finally the third act, the prestige! The restoring the arm to its original unharmed condition!
This routine packs small and plays big. I hand out all the props to be examined. My audiences seem to like me mutilating myself for their amusement. Sometimes they seem relieved that I am not actually harming myself. I also do the sword through the neck for some audiences and on occasion I will bring out the Sharpo Slice-o-matic which dices and slices the human arm - akin to sawing a person in half but a much more portable illusion.
Why do magicians do these gruesome types of stunts? Just one more demonstration that what we perceive as limitations of our human condition - they are mere illusions. The mind is where the real magic happens.

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